Interview with Andrej Polukord

Interview with Andrej Polukord

“Maybe all architectural masterpieces were born not where we think, but in small, cosy villages,” says the artist Andrej Polukord, participant of the “Lavkė. Slow and sandy expedition” residency. Viktorija Damerell interviews him. How did you decide to participate in the Lavkė residency?I saw that everything will be taking place in a forest and that…

Residents of October: Živilė Lukšytė

Residents of October: Živilė Lukšytė

Živilė Lukšytė graduated product design bachelor studies at Vilnius Art Academy. In the design master studies she continued her research about food experiences while analyzing and interpreting festive food traditions. The artist initiated design studio Less Table with her former teacher Julija Mazūrienė. Less Table is a space for food related practices and research, such as sustainable city and nature, continuation…

Morta Jonynaitė “Crossbars”

Morta Jonynaitė “Crossbars”

On the last day of July, Morta Jonynaitė’s exhibition “Crossbars” opened at Marcinkonys Station Gallery. ~ The mycelium moves under my feet, stretches, knits together, connects, until, standing on the forest bed, I try to look at the space between the trees. Eyes close, slipping and moving away, caught by spider webs. Around the felling…

2021 residencies

2021 residencies

Slow and sandy artist expeditions around the region of the Šilų Dzūkai From July to October 2021, artists from different locations in Lithuania will visit and create in the region of the Forest Dwellers of Dzūkija – Šilų Dzūkai. They will participate in an event/project called “Lavkė. Lėta smėlėta ekspedicija” [Lavkė. Slow and sandy expedition]. At…

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